In addition to the HSK, there are several other Chinese language proficiency tests, including:

  1. HSKK (Chinese Spoken Language Test): This is an exam that focuses on spoken Chinese abilities, complementing the written HSK exam. It primarily tests the ability to communicate in spoken Mandarin.
  2. YCT (Youth Chinese Test): Designed for young learners, this test is suitable for beginners in Chinese language learning.
  3. BCT (Business Chinese Test): This exam is aimed at assessing Chinese communication and writing skills in a business context, ideal for those who wish to use Chinese in a business setting.
  4. New HSK (2024): This is an updated version of the HSK, which will be divided into three stages (elementary, intermediate, and advanced), with different levels within each stage to more accurately assess learners' language proficiency.

These exams cater to the needs of different learners, whether for academic, professional, or personal development purposes.

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