In the earliest days of the internet, we are happy to post our daily life and amazing moments on various social network platforms. But now the situation is totally different. We are overwhelmed by the endless Ad, fake news, verbal violence, negative information, etc. And sometimes, our account may be suspended by unknown reasons. It seems that we need somewhere private and clean to post OUR contents.








Key Features

*Buy once, use forever.

* No Ad! That’s important!

* Twitter style UI, super easy to use.

* Support text, images, and photos.

* No cloud sync! You have full control of your personal data.

* All your contents including images can be exported to text/CSV/docx file.

* You can export your text and images to MS Word docx document book draft.

Target people

  1. SNS like Twitter or Facebook account was suspended due to any reasons.
  2. Those who don’t want to expose their daily life to the public.
  3. Those who enjoy talking to their own heart rather than so-called friends on SNS platforms.
  4. People who live alone or feel lonely want to find a private space to record their life.
  5. People who are depressed want to find an outlet.


iTwi, Twitter style personal note

Supported languages

English/Deutsch/español, castellano/français/हिन्दी, हिंदी/Bahasa Indonesia/Italiano/日本語/한국어/Nederlands, Vlaams/Português/русский язык/简体中文/繁體中文


Apple App Store:

Google Play Store:

What’s the differentc between Local Diary and iTwi?

Local Diary is long note which supports mix images and text. While iTiw is short Twitter style note and it’s photos and text are seperated. Both Local Diary and iTwi support exporing user’s images and text to txt/csv/docx file,

Release Note

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